Hot man teach you shave your chest

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Hot man teach you shave your chest

Chest hair should be maintained because it can become too long and too dense. When chest hair grows too long it can be troublesome and get tangled in clothing or even in zippers. Also, the thicker chest hair grows, the more heat it produces and the faster body odor starts to develop.

Shaving Do’s and Don’ts

* Reduce the length of the chest hair with a beard trimmer or hair clippers or scissors, but keep those blades off the skin itself.
* Wash the skin first with warm water so that the skin is very clean.
* Stand in the bathtub so you don’t make a mess.
* Use a new blade or new disposable razor. The sharper it is the less it will nick.
* Apply shaving gel before beginning the shave.
* Do a small section at a time.
* Use a light touch when shaving.
* Be careful when shaving the area around the nipples.
* Use witch-hazel instead of after-shave. Witch-hazel is much more inexpensive and will reduce razor-burn and help prevent the open pores from becoming infected or producing acne.
* After shaving, exfoliate your chest daily so you won’t get ingrown hairs.
* Don’t wash your skin with hot or cold water
* Don’t press against the skin with the razor

Benefits of Removing Chest Hair

* Chest muscles definition is more apparent.
* Less body odor

** If you decide to remove chest hair by waxing, avoid showering and making the hair wet prior to waxing. Hair absorbs the water which causes it to become soft and less likely to adhere well to the wax.

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