American Actor and Singer – Brendan Hines

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American Actor and Singer – Brendan Hines

Brendan Hines, born December 28, 1976 in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., is an American actor and singer-songwriter.


Hines has had a number of small television roles such as the portrayal of character Andy Goode in the new Terminator television series “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and Tyler Ford in “The Middleman.”

Hines had also starred in leading roles in a handful of independent films including “Heavy Petting” (screen captures below), “Deep in the Valley,” and “Lie to Me,” just to name a few.


Hines also writes and performs songs, solo and with a backing band, under the name The Brendan Hines. In early 2008, Hines released an album of 10 original songs entitled “Good For You Know Who”.